Zumba Gold Class

Event description

This class is a lower intensity workout class. Designed for our Gold Patients or beginners, we will introduce easy-to-follow choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination.

Zumba combines Latin and International music with a fun and effective workout system.


Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your health through fitness!

This online class is FREE! You can easily join from your computer or mobile device.

Domingo Rodriguez, RN-BSN
Domingo Rodriguez, RN-BSN


Domingo is a Lifestyle Coach Certificate from Solera Health, Inc. and he is also licensed as Zumba Instructor from Zumba Fitness, LLC.

Domingo works with Sanitas Medical Center in Care Programs designed for Pre-Diabetic and Diabetic patients. He loves to take care of people's health, teaching them how they can maintain control of medications, glucose, nutrition, and exercise routines. His passion is teaching and taking care of his patients.

Step 1: Select dates
Friday, March 28
Monday, March 31
Step 2: Complete form