Dr. Leislany Hernandez Ravelo, MD
Dr. Leislany Hernandez Ravelo, MD
Family Medicine
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  • Kendall, FL 7135 SW 117th Ave. Miami, FL 33183
About me
anitas is unlike most medical facilities. It’s a lot like a large family––with doctors who understand and believe that patient satisfaction and well-being is most important. It's my personal goal to help keep people at their best health. Fluent in my native Spanish, I can also speak English with my patients. It's a good day at work when a patient says "Thank you very much for helping me. It's difficult to find doctors like you." Born in Cuba, I studied medicine in Havana and worked for six years as a family doctor there. I came to the U.S. for a better life and hoping to practice family medicine. My family and I chose to make our home in Miami, where we have lived for the past seven years. When I'm not working, I enjoy fishing, riding my bike and playing basketball with my daughter and my husband. And, I love to cook for my family.
Spanish, English
Care Team
Dr. Katherin Garcia, MD
Dr. Katherin Garcia, MD » Family Medicine
Dana Geberovich, APRN
Dana Geberovich, APRN » Nurse Practitioner, Family
Insurance Accepted
  • Florida Blue
  • Florida Blue - myBlue
  • Truli for Health
  • GuideWell Simplifi
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Original Medicare
  • Self-pay